EEE 203 : Signals and Systems
General Information:
Instructor: Professor Bahman Moraffah
Office: GWC 333
Office Hours: MW 2:00-3:00 pm or by appointment
Class Meet: T Th 12:00-1:15 pm in PSH 153
Course Link: Piazza
Course Objectives:
Understand time-domain properties of continuous time(CT) and discrete time(DT) signals and time
Understand Linear and time invariant systems
Plot CT and DT signals and systems outputs
Deduce linearity, time invariance, and causality from a system input/output equation 1
Draw block diagrams from input/output equation
Calculate and plot impulse system and obtain the transfer function from differential equation/difference equation, block diagrams, system functions
Understand CT/DT Fourier transform of a signal
Calculate and plot Fourier and inverse Fourier transform
Obtain DT signals by sampling from CT signals
Compute FFT using a programming language
Understand and compute frequency domain properties and plot magnitude and phase
Course Topics:
Signals (Ch.1): CT/DT signals, unit step, impulse, sinusoids functions
Systems (Ch.1- Ch.2): Linearity, time-invariance, causality, stability, impulse response, block
diagrams, system properties
Fourier Series (Ch.3): Definitions and examples, properties
Fourier transform (Ch.4): Definitions and examples, convergence, frequency response for LTI systems
Discrete-time Fourier transform (Ch.5): Definitions and examples, properties
Sampling (Ch.7) Sampling theorem, reconstruction
z-transform (Ch.10) Definition and examples, properties, region of convergence(ROC)
You can find the syllabus here
(Main Textbook) Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition, by Alan Oppenheim, 1996, Prentice Hall.
Signals and Systems, Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2003.
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8th Edition by William H. Hayt,, 2012.
Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems, Edward A. Lee and Pravin Varaiya, Second Edition,2011.
Signals and Systems, Richard Baraniuk, 2009.
Class Notes:
Extra credit project can be found Description
Required files files.wav
Project description is provided here